Organized to Sell

Strategic Home Organization:
The Key to a Quick & Successful Sale


Have you ever walked into a home and felt an instant connection, thinking, 'Yes, this is the place for me!'?

If you're selling your home, that's exactly how you want people to feel as they walk through your doors. 

What if I told you there are steps you can take to significantly increase your chances of not only attracting buyers but also having them eagerly bid at or above your asking price? 

Well, you're in luck because you absolutely can.

We'll guide you through carefully curated steps to transform your home into an expertly organized showpiece, primed for a successful sale.

Let's start making your home the irresistible space every buyer dreams of!

Follow our expert tips below to present your house in impeccable condition, attract potential buyers, and create an environment where they don’t want to live anywhere else.

1. Declutter to Create Space

Did you know–

There's a profound connection between disorganization and depression and a direct correlation between how much clutter is in a home and how much stress a woman feels.

It's scientifically proven. 

Studies show that clutter elevates cortizone levels that directly causes stress. 

So, if you want to prepare your home for a successful sale, here's our top advice: clear that clutter.

According to Better Homes & Gardens, an organized home serves as a canvas for showcasing its full potential.

This creates an environment where prospective buyers can easily envision their own belongings seamlessly integrating into the space.

What's more, the magic of organization lies in its ability to instantly transform a home, making it appear more spacious and inviting.

For those embarking on the moving journey, we highly recommend implementing our Signature SSO Process for decluttering.

Our process is straightforward and powerful, designed to help you permanently clear clutter and achieve lasting balance.

By prioritizing, minimizing and organizing, you can eliminate items that no longer serve you.

This, in turn, ensures that your home remains fresh and appealing to potential buyers, setting the stage for a successful sale.

2.  Strategic Furniture Staging

When it comes to staging furniture for a successful home sale, there are a few essential tips that can make all the difference:

  • Keep Traffic Flowing. One of the critical elements of successful furniture staging is maintaining a smooth traffic flow within the space. To achieve this, arrange your furniture in the center of the room, also known as a "conversation core" arrangement. This allows for clear, unobstructed walkways as potential buyers explore the area. By "floating" furniture away from walls, you create an illusion of more space while preserving a sense of intimacy.

  • Appropriate Furniture Does Wonders. Remember when you're preparing to sell your home, it's not about showcasing your personal taste; it's about helping buyers envision the potential of the space as their dream home. We each have our unique tastes and thoughts of how something may manifest.

    Therefore, to present a clean and versatile room layout that stimulates a buyer's imagination, opt for neutral, lightweight furniture. Lighter furniture creates an airy and open atmosphere, while bulky pieces can make a room feel cramped and heavy.

    Stick to furniture with neutral tones that can easily be accented, allowing buyers to project their own style onto the space.

  • Rooms with a Purpose. Each room in your home should have a clear and defined purpose, with a focal point highlighting its unique features. This approach helps buyers understand how to make the most of each space and enhances their connection to the home.

By following these guidelines, you'll be well on your way to creating an inviting and compelling atmosphere that entices potential buyers and increases the appeal of your home.

3. Organize the Outside

In home selling, first impressions carry tremendous weight.

That's why it's critical to dedicate time and effort to styling the exterior of your home, ensuring that it's warm and inviting from the moment potential buyers set foot on your property.

Curb appeal is defined as "the attractiveness of a property for sale and its surroundings when viewed from the street."

It's the first thing potential buyers notice, which can significantly influence their perception of the property. 

To upgrade your curb appeal and increase likeability, consider the following options:

  • Landscaping. You don't have to be a master gardener to win people over. A well-maintained lawn with trimmed hedges and trees combined with colorful flowers or lovely plants can instantly captivate the eye and capture buyers hearts.

  • Front Door. Your front door is a focal point and entry into the home. Make sure it's clean and, ideally, freshly painted before showings. If you want the door to pop, you can paint it a fun color. Feel free to add a wreath or update the hardware for an extra touch.

  • Lighting. Adequate outdoor lighting enhances safety and adds a warm ambiance. Consider soft, welcoming lighting fixtures to create an inviting atmosphere, especially during evening showings.

  • Repairs and Maintenance. Address any visible issues, such as cracked pathways, chipped paint, or loose shutters. A well-maintained exterior signals to buyers that the home is in good working condition.

4. Lighting Sets the Mood

Lighting is a powerful tool in creating an appealing ambiance in your home.

You can craft an inviting atmosphere that captivates all who enter by effectively illuminating your spaces with bright, cheerful light and selecting lighting fixtures that strike the right balance between neutrality and personality.

  • Use white or neutral colors. White walls, or other pale wall colors, increase the brightness of a room by reflecting light. When in doubt, repaint walls to a soft color to create airiness and brightness.

  • Make mirrors work for you. Mirrors can be quite magical as they give the illusion of a space being lighter, brighter and bigger due to their reflective properties. If you position a mirror directly across from a natural light source, such as a window, your room will fill with gorgeous natural lighting. You can add a hint of style depending on the mirror style you choose.

  • Stick with sheer curtains. Like the furniture, we want the curtains to feel lightweight and breathable, allowing more flow to the room. Use sheer curtains to add sleekness and contemporary vibes to your living room.

5. Accent to Add Life

We've discussed the benefits of presenting a neutral, clean and crisp home when listing it for sale.

There's a secret ingredient that can elevate your space to be irresistibly inviting: accents.

Strategically incorporating accents into your home can soften its edges, infuse warmth, and create a sense of familiarity.

We like to call this magical connection the 'it factor' – the elusive quality that makes potential buyers instantly feel at ease and at home.

  • Incorporate pops of color. Neutrality is essential for broad appeal, but you can still liven up the space with color. Consider using pops of color for throw pillows, rugs, picture frames or even the front door to make your home stand out.

  • Add artwork. Creative artwork can be a fun way to add personality to a space. Select work that adds to the home's architecture or reflects a beautiful landscape. You can choose modern work for more of a conversation starter.

  • Plants and flowers do wonders for a space. You can choose color flowers to add brightness or keep it classy with white lilies or greenery. Either way, plants freshen up a room and put people at ease.

  • Strategic personalization. We mentioned straying away from personalizing your home during the selling process to ensure others can envision themselves there, but as is life, there are exceptions to this rule. Carefully chosen personal items can create an emotional connection to your home, allowing visitors to see themselves living out the same experiences. Consider including a few lovely family photos for display in your living room.

In the world of home staging, accents are the key to striking the perfect balance between a pristine presentation and an inviting atmosphere.

Selling your home can be an exciting adventure.

By strategically and intentionally organizing your home, you pave the way for a quick, seamless, and successful sale.

Ready to help you move and groove,

Sacred Space Organizing

PS - Looking for more moving guidance? Check out The Ultimate Guide to Moving. This guide gives you a step-by-step process to cover everything you'll need for moving day success. 


Erin Neumann

Professional Copywriter | Strategic Web Designer | SEO Expert