Hi There!

Erin Neumann, Sacred Space Organizing Founder

Hi, I’m Erin.

I graduated from West Point and have my Masters in Business Administration.

I’ve jumped out of planes, learned to disarm bombs, and have been to twenty (20) countries. I enjoy white water rafting, snowboarding, and hiking the great outdoors.

I have a beautiful daughter who is three parts awesome and one part surprise.

Until recently I worked for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. And then I quit.

I realized life is not about making money and accumulating things—it’s about making room for what matters.

I often feel misunderstood. I think it comes from my inability to adequately articulate my thoughts and feelings. Perhaps this is why I’m so drawn to writing. When I write the words flow effortlessly from my fingertips and I can read, edit, rewrite until my message is clear and concise.

It also centers and focuses me by forcing me to go inward, think, and reflect.

Lately, I’ve had a constant, quiet voice guiding me to blog. It’s almost like a magnetic force is pulling me to do so.

Maybe it’s so others can understand me better or maybe it’ll give someone else who feels misunderstood the push they need to start writing.

Regardless, if I can impart wisdom or add value to your life then I will have accomplished my goal.

I am on a journey to be more mindful, present, and conscious.

I am honored you have joined me.

With love and gratitude,



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Erin Neumann

Professional Copywriter | Strategic Web Designer | SEO Expert